Sealsforhydraulic cylinders, cylinderandsystem design, function anduse of life Lifehas a decisive influence. To meet theindustrysealing solutionsfor practicalneeds, requirementssymmetry Type sealscan be uniformlyapplied to thesealing region, wear resistance, the gapextrusion, Compatiblewiththe working medium,high temperature resistance,low friction,compactandsafe Easytoinstall. The importanceof these parametersand theirlimitgenerally depends on thespecialuse Transitneeds.Therefore,Dongguan,ChinaYueSealing TechnologyDevelopment Co., Ltd.has developed acomplete series Seals.Becauseoptimizedgeometry andstructure, andthe use of high Quality materials,so that thesesealscan fully meetthe technicalindustry And economicrequirements. In order to selectthe most appropriateseal typeand materials, you must firstmake sure that all Desired functionparameters.Depending on the applicationused tospecificallyrequireclose Sealsand materialsprimaries.