• Suitable for duties where housing depth limitations precludethe use of standard Walkerseles.
• Can be moulded with the extended lip and standard back forduties where shaft eccentricity is high
• Shallowback with the extended lip is available for use withangular shaft displacement on spherical bearings/couplings.
• D7 Shallowback is used as a wiper (eg, on automatic gaugecontrol units) where it prevent the ingress of foreign matter.
D6 & D7 Shallowback availability
Existing tools — we hold a limited number of tools for thesedesigns. Please contact us to check mould availability. Wherewe have a suitable tool, your seal will be supplied on shortdelivery time without tooling charges.
New tools — are swiftly made in-house when the size youneed does not exist. In these cases a tooling charge will beapplied.